Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Easy Ways To Prevent/Get rid of a Hangover

*I am currently interested in doing guest posts please email me at Martisa05@gmail.com if you are interested! Also add my blog link to your blog or website and I'll do the same! Just email at Martisa05@gmail.com with your link, the link to the page where my link is posted, and we can go from there!

This post may not really pertain to beauty/skin care but I felt it was needed and would really help out a lot of people! I personally have only consumed alcohol a couple of times in my lifetime, but I no how awful a hangover can be! So here is a list of ways to tame, eradicate, or even stop a hangover altogether! Please share, tweet, subscribe, and comment!

        10 Ways to stop or decrease the affects of a hangover!

  1. Drink Water: Alcohol dehydrates you which is causes headaches! So to prevent that early more head pounding drink one glass of water for each drink of alcohol you consume! This will also slow your drinking down which means your body will have a chance to process some of the alcohol before you take in before your next drink! At the end of the drink a serving or 2 of Powerade! It hydrates you and replenishes your electrolytes and sodium levels! It is also said to prevent hangovers! I no a lot of people who swear buy it including my sister! She drinks a Powerade before she drinks, and after her last drink, and then the next morning! She gets drunk and then gets up at &:00am and goes to school and from school straight to work! So I'd say its worth trying! I recommend the red, orange, or blue Powerades!
  2. Eat: Consume a decent size meal before you pop open that bottle! Drinking on an empty stomach allows the alcohol to be absorbed much faster! Eat a meal full of healthy carbs to slow down the absorption speed! I also don't recommend eating once you have started drinking, because that tends to lead to nausea and vomiting! If you have to eat after you've began drinking keep it light!
  3. Drink Light: Dark alcohol such as red wine and rum contain congeners which may cause hangovers! Go for a shot of vodka or or a glass of Chardonnay!
  4. Olive Oil: If you'd rather not eat or started drinking before you realized you hadn't ate and haven't drunk much ( 1 shot) then  swallow a tablespoon of olive oil.
  5. Stick To One Type of Alcohol: Don't drink Vodka, beer, and wine or dark and light alcohol! Stick to one thing or the other!
  6. Aspirin: You can take a dose of aspirin the next aspirin if needed but NEVER take an aspirin before drinking!!
  7. Milk: Drink a glass of milk. It coats the lining of the stomach which slows down the rate at which the alcohol is absorbed.
  8. Beware of the Bubbles: The bubbles increase the delivery of alcohol through your system causing you to become drunk much faster! So stay away from Champagne, sparkling wine, carbonated mixes, and soda/pop as well.
  9. Caffeine: Stay away from caffeine when consuming alcohol. Caffeine can cause diarrhea and a stuffy head when combined with alcohol! ** Warning- Its best not to consume any caffeine when drinking alcohol, as too much caffeine mixed with too much alcohol can lead to a severe, and possibly fatal, increase in heartbeat.
  10. Coconut Water: Drink a cup of coconut water along with a cup of Powerade! They both replenish your electrolytes and potassium.
                                    The Next Morning

  1. Breakfast: Scramble up a couple eggs  and have drink of orange juice. Scrambled eggs are shown to reverse liver damage that a night of heavy drinking can cause. Alcohol drops your blood sugar so drink a glass of delicious orange juice to bring it back up!
  2. Nausea: If you have nausea brew up some ginger tea. You can also eat some burnt toast with butter and honey! The burnt toast will also absorb excess alcohol remaining in your stomach and the honey will give you an energy boost!
  3. Aspirin: You can take an aspirin if needed but avoid any other medications and only take aspirin at the end of night or even better the next morning!  Never take before drinking!

Never drink and drive! Always arrange a driver or a cab to take you home!
It's best not to drink but if you choose to please be safe!