Thursday, September 6, 2012

Simple Makeup Tips To Enhance Your Gorgeous Brown Eyes

When it comes to brown eyes, almost any eyeshadow color works well! The determining factor is the depth of the eye color. Are they almost black, or are they medium brown? Women with brown eyes can also pull off both black and brown eyeliner (brown works best in the day and black at night).

DEEP BROWN EYES:For dark brown eyes, medium to dark shades of eye shadow will work best for you. Try forest green, plum, or charcoal gray. You can also try dark brown, gold, mauve, and bronze colors on your eyes! Look in the mirror there are likely flecks of lighter color in your eyes, use those hues to select your eyeliner color. Be creative & experiment with different colors and combinations till you get the perfect look!

MEDIUM BROWN EYES: Medium to light brown eyes can wear green, violet or bronze colored eye shadows. A purple or green eye shadow palette can work well for daytime. Experiment by pairing neutral shadow with metallic eyeliner in copper or bronze for evening.

LIGHTBROWN EYES:If you have light brown eyes AVOID black eyeliner all together! Use dark brown or other colors instead. Apply a neutral shade of shadow on the lid, a darker hue of the same color in the crease, then line your eyes in gold or green to reflect the flecks of color in your eyes.

If your eyes are so light they are hazel, you should try champagne tones with bronze, brown, or violet eyeliner to define your eyes.

Check out to purchase your eye shadows and eyeliners!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Cosmetic Surgery

Guest Post by Rod Kelly

How Cosmetic Surgery Can Be a Complete Solution for Your Beauty Needs
Every woman awakens every morning, grabs a cup of java and eventually makes her way to the bathroom mirror. What do we see when we get there? Well, any number of kind hearted people can tell us we look beautiful, but the truth is none of see what they do. As we get older, we begin to notice every new imperfection on our face, every laugh line, every bit of crow's feet, new freckles or anything else that just happens to blow up and land on our face. So, what do we do about it? Whatever it takes to cover them up, of course!

Each year millions of women purchase an ungodly amount of products meant to do just that: cover our imperfections. Trust me, the makeup industry is booming! The trouble is we believe for some reason that the more we spend on a particular product, the better it's going to work. Not so. We buy everything from new and improved foundation in the form of mousse or pressed powder. We see something advertised on TV and we un-realistically think that we can look as good as the supermodel advertising it. The truth be known, no matter what we buy or how much it costs, we just can't turn back the hands of time. So, what do we do now? Where do we turn to restore our youthful features when the chemical peel doesn't quite do the trick? Some women seek out a dermatologist in order to receive a prescription for some of the latest efforts in skin restoration and beauty products not yet available on the market to the general public. Others go one step further.
Well, drastic times call for drastic measures, right! Of course the only thing left to do is to look into a little help from above, and by above I mean the plastic surgeon's office on the nineteenth floor of the big skyscraper downtown. Cosmetic surgery has been around for a long time and several advancements in procedures have allowed a patient to walk into the office in the morning and come out by mid-afternoon looking twenty years younger. Cosmetic surgery, of some kind, to improve our looks and make us appear more youthful, isg performed on unhappy, dissatisfied women every day But once we become satisfied with our new and improved facial beauty, do we now start to obsess about the imperfections of the rest of our bodies? Lucky for us there is a surgical procedure for everything.

About the Author: My name is Rod Kelly, a content writer from UK. I am into Health. Visit my website at
You can follow me @thefreshhealth :)