If you would like a better brighter smile follow these tips and advice! A better smile you more confident. Smiling makes you look younger, happier, and boosts not only your mood but those around you. Here are a few ways to enhance and brighten your smile! *Note- See instructions on how to do each way and how it works below the list.
Inexpensive Ways To Whiten Your Teeth
1. Brush your Teeth twice a day, rinse, floss, and replace your toothbrush every 3 months. 2. Eat crunchy fruits & vegetables like carrots, apples, & celery.
3. Strawberries & Baking Soda
4. Orange Peel
5. Crest White Strips
6. Hydrogen Peroxide
7. Regular teeth cleanings
8. Sexy Smile Lip Gloss(See below for exact details)
9. Go Smile Whitening System For sensitive teeth
10. Lemon Peel
11. Apple Cider & White Vinegar
Instructions, information, and more on the above list.
1. Use a whitening toothpaste (Crest & Colgate are the best brands) such as Colgate Pro Clinical Daily Whitening toothpaste. Rinse with a good whitening mouth rinse such as Listerine Whitening Restoring Fluoride Rinse. It whitens your teeth 2 shades & restores the enamel.
2. Crunchy fruits and vegetables like carrots, apples, and celery are natural teeth whiteners. They trigger your mouth to make saliva, which washes away food particles so they aren't able to stain teeth. Strawberries have an enzyme that acts like natural bleach. Broccoli has minerals that form a film on teeth so pigments from other foods won’t stain them.
3. Strawberries contain an enzyme which is a natural tooth whitener. There are 3 ways to use use strawberries for whitening teeth. One way is by just cutting or biting the tip of and just rub it on your teeth for as long as you choose. The 2nd way is by by biting the tip of and adding baking soda to it and rub that on your teeth as long as you choose. You can use the following process also for optimal whitening results. That process is to be used as follows:
- Take a few strawberries and make a paste of these strawberries
- Use a toothbrush, q-tip, or your finger to apply the paste to the teeth, so as to form a thick layer and leave the paste on the teeth for 2-5 minutes
- Wash off the strawberry paste thoroughly including the seeds. Then brush the teeth with a fluoride toothpaste, so that the acid in the strawberry do not affect the teeth.
- You can also add baking soda to the strawberry paste for whitening. This preparation should be used only once a week or less frequently, since the malic acid in strawberries can harm the teeth.
The strawberry and baking soda process should only be used once a week! However if you are just rubbing the straight strawberry to whiten you can use that process 3-4 times a week! Also after using any of the above tecqniues rinse with a fluoride mouthwash!
4.Rub your teeth with the inside part of an orange peel. Don't use the fruit just the peeling.
5.For Crest White Strips just following the directions given on the box.
6. Mix one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of baking soda an add just enough water to make a paste. Scoop it onto your toothbrush your teeth with it. DON'T swallow it and rinse your mouth with water when done. Use this pate once or twice a week in place of your toothpaste. Another way to use Hydrogen Peroxide is by rinsing your mouth with it for 2-3 minutes (it will foam up). Then make a paste with baking soda, salt & enough water to make a paste. Brush your teeth with the paste.
7. See your dentist twice a year for regular teeth cleanings.
8. Sexy Smile lip gloss is double ended and one side is a lip gloss which has blue based pigments to make your teeth look whiter. The other end contains a hydrogen peroxide fluid to brush onto teeth. It is $29.50 and can be purchased at Sexy Smile. Or you can just purchase your own much much cheaper lip gloss and mix Hydrogen Peroxide and baking soda together to form a paste and use your tooth brush or a q tip to apply it. Expensive version $29.50 plus shipping, cheap version $3-6 (depends on the price of your lip gloss) plus 75 cents for a peroxide, and maybe $1.50 for the baking soda. So at the highest about $10.00 and you'll get the results if not better! Check this website out 17 Best Lip Glosses.
9. This systems is $89 Which I no is a little expensive but because it was rated zero on the teeth sensitivity scale and it can be used on veneers and crowns I decided it was definitely worth adding!!!
10. rub the inner side of the lemon rind on your teeth. Wait 5-15 minutes and rinse with water(rinsing is very important so don't skip this step) You can also add some table salt to the rind for an added effect!
11. Apple Cider and White Vinegar can help to whiten your teeth! Just brush your teeth everyday with a little of the vinegar.
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